Many have been discussing that something catastrophic worldwide was to happen recently coinciding with the total lunar eclipse or "blood moon." Although I was traveling on ministry assignment at the time, as far as I can tell, nothing happened worldwide. Rather, my news feeds contained information about multiple church plants, thousands of salvations, and many adult baptisms. I'd say it was a lunar eclipse full of "good news."
I would like to make a prediction for the end of December: the world will change in three months. It will be a wonderful change, not catastrophic. It will be a change of direction for thousands. Lives will be changed, hearts, and souls will be changed. As will eternal destinies, vocational choices, perspectives, friendships, and allegiances.
How do I know? Because, three months from today, the International Wesleyan Youth Convention, Follow 2015, will be over. All kinds of changes will happen there in the lives of thousands of youth gathered in Indianapolis, December 28-31, 2015, from all over the world. Students and adult sponsors will be at Follow 2015 from the corners of North America, as well as Latin America, the Philippines, Europe, and Asia. It will be a great experience to worship and be changed by the Holy Spirit with so many brothers and sisters from around God's globe.
How do I know? Because I was changed at an International Wesleyan Youth Convention at age 12. That is when I accepted God's call to pursue full-time vocational ministry for a lifetime. I've never questioned or looked back on that calling. I was distinctly called to do three things, which I am still engaged with to this day.
First, I knew I was called into vocational ministry. Second, I knew I would help with the youth movement of The Wesleyan Church. And, third, I knew I was called to help pastors and churches. Don't ask me how I knew all of that at 12, but I did. Some laughed at parts of the calling I voiced and claimed. Some told me parts of God's call for me were false because they were too specific. Others encouraged and prayed for me. What is amazing is I knew God was giving me a heart for his church and I now know his calling is still lived out (with rifle-focused accuracy) in the ministry through which I continue to serve his kingdom.
When students return home from Follow 2015, pray for them. By all means, don't laugh at how God is working in and revealing himself to them. I predict their world will be changed for a lifetime for Jesus' cause. If anything, let their love and passion for the Lord spill over into your walk with him. Because of Follow 2015, I predict the entire denomination, and, therefore, the world, will be changed in many ways for years to come.
Jim Dunn is executive director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship for The Wesleyan Church.