
​Staff of General Conference hotel express gratitude for Wesleyans

Dr. Jo Anne Lyon reflects on an interaction with a hotel staff member during her last morning in Buffalo, N.Y., location of The Wesleyan Church's recent 13th General Conference. It is gratifying that the many Wesleyans staying at the hotel and attending the conference demonstrated such a good witness!


When my husband, Wayne, and I were leaving the Buffalo Hyatt on Thursday, June 9, that morning, the bellman found out we were Wesleyans.

He just stopped and said, "You Wesleyans changed us here at this hotel. You should hear the conversation in our break room. 'These folks are so nice, so appreciative of our work, treat us with respect, etc.' I mean everyone. We have not had one person speak badly to us."

He went on to say that the hotel had decided not to rent to churches anymore, because groups had been so demanding and disrespectful, etc.

"But you Wesleyans changed it all."

Then he took our luggage to the car, took my hand and said, "Let me pray for you to have a safe trip and thank the Lord for you Wesleyans." He prayed a very genuine, heartfelt prayer. I have never had a bellman pray for me. But somehow I felt it was a great benediction to my service to The Wesleyan Church.

Dr. Jo Anne Lyon is General Superintendent Emerita for The Wesleyan Church. She is now serving as interim vice-president for Wesley Seminary as well as Ambassador for The Wesleyan Church.