What is CBC?
Church Builders' Club (CBC) has been there as a "helping hand" for scores of Wesleyan churches in North America since 1936. In the last 25 years alone, CBC members have given over $1.5 million to help build over 170 new churches.
Want to be a church that receives donations from generous donors investing in God's Kingdom, click Church Builders Club Application
God is dong GREAT things!! Read how God is building His Kingdom as more churches are being raised up and the unreached are being reached. Thank you for supporting the current church (below) through your generous giving. See the Donation Link below or mail your donation to:
The Wesleyan Church Headquarters, c/o Church Builders Club, PO Box 50434, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Subscribe To Our Newsletter
Church Builder Club Newsletter is mailed six times each year to CBC members to encourage prayer and financial gifts that help new Wesleyan churches build or buy their first meeting place.
The combined offerings of hundreds of CBC members like you supply the financial "extra" to give new churches their first permanent home.
Church Builders Club is a way for you to be involved personally in home mission work.
Complete the online form by clicking "Subscribe" to join the CBC Newsletter mailing list or write to the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division. The Wesleyan Church International Center, P.O. Box 50434, Indianapolis, IN 46250-0434
Your tax-deductible financial gifts for the churches featured in CBC Newsletters may be sent to the above address. Postage-paid reply envelopes are included with each newsletter you will receive. Or use the online donation below.