Missional Discipleship Videos

Check out the 3-hour Missional Discipleship online conference, held on March 15, 2016!

Do you separate mission from discipleship? Does your family or church have a discipleship plan, and is it working? Do you long to create a discipleship culture that transforms your life, your church, and your community?

You will learn from key experts and practitioners discussing variety of topics as it relates to mission and movement. Topics include: how to build a discipleship culture, the lost practice of class meetings & group life, embracing doubt, formation through social media & technology, multiplying leaders, discipling the neighborhood, and much more.

You and your ministry teams can view the conference in full or just choose specific sessions. If you share via social media, please include the hash tag #MisDis.

*To view the full video series on YouTube, click here.

Missional Discipleship Conference - Full
Kent Carlson: Renovation of the Church
Christin Taylor: Doubt as a Tool for Spiritual Formation
Mike Breen: Building a Disciple Making Culture
Kevin Watson: Reclaiming the Genius of the Class Meeting
Phil Stevenson: Developing Leadership Pipelines
Carlos Cedeno: Discipling the Community
Matt LeRoy: Radical Disciple Making
Kenny Jahng: Embracing Social Media and Formation