Buffalo Niagara Convention Center
Room: 106A
Breakout Rooms 103-109
Saturday June 4th, 2016
Christians, including Wesleyans, have begun to respond to challenges and opportunities in urban America. For over 20 years, successful collaboration in Buffalo, NY has involved the church, parachurch and community-based organizations and agencies. As delegates and guests are welcomed to Buffalo, this pre-conference event will present pictures of this remarkable collaborative work. Ministries will be highlighted that respond to complex needs in the city (compassionate medical care, refugee resettlement, multi-ethnic church planting, education and anti-human trafficking). Roundtable discussions will follow including a meal.
Please register below to attend this free event. We would like your information to know who is coming and what meal option you would prefer. At the event we will be collecting donations that can be given to help offset the costs of food.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Steve Strand at: 716-640-2238 or strandsc@gmail.com