As a continual student of church growth, I am always looking for fresh ideas that will help me reach people. I consistently return to my friend Charles Arn's work. His latest book, Side Door, has sparked some new thoughts for me and will do the same for anyone who is committed to reaching more people for Jesus.
—Nelson Searcy, lead pastor, The Journey Church, New York; founder of
Author and church-growth expert Charles Arn reveals how vital congregations are good at empowering their people to pursue their unique strengths. It is by discovering the passions of its individual insiders that a church can creatively and effectively draw the outsiders into its fellowship and into Jesus.
This book is crucial not only for a church's leadership, but for all motivated members who have a vision for engaging more of their local body in relevant ministry. See how God has been drawing believers out of the pews, through their church's walls, and directly into their communities by way of their side doors. God is using his people to make disciples, and they are actually loving it!
CLICK HERE to view Side Door at Wesleyan Publishing House Online Store
CLICK HERE to view Side Door eBook at Wesleyan Publishing House Online Store
FREE Shepherding Resources available: Appendixes, Planning Guide, and You Are Special Booklet
CHARLES ARN is a leading expert and national voice in the conversation on congregational outreach, health, and growth. He is founder of and is Professor of Outreach and Ministry at Wesley Seminary.